Design and build this CMS site directed toward NYU faculty for a multi-department project sponsored by the Provost's office. A simple page layout with ample white-space and engaging photos creates an inviting interface.
Web lead and video producer of text and video case studies that explain the work of Global Technology Services. Collaborate on content-creation with project team. Research and develop case studies, research and select photos, create page layouts in the Content Management System, do quality assurance and publish. Work to increase web traffic.
Designed and project managed the development and launch of this small brochure web site. Worked with faculty to establish project requirements, gain approval of site design and refine content presentation. Scheduled work, edited photos and build this HTML site.
Create wiki / intranet for Global Technology Services (GTS). Construct information architecture, build out wiki pages and set access permissions. Design user-friendly presentation of content employing wiki macros, embedded Google docs and Twitter feed. Support staff use of wiki tool. Work with multiple department stakeholders to insure that user needs are met. (restricted access)
Create wiki / intranet for the IT Project Management Office (IT PMO). Construct information architecture with stake-holders. Build out wiki pages and design graphics and charts. Design user-friendly presentation of content employing wiki macros and embedded Google docs. Edit copy to insure clear communication. IT PMO Wiki (restricted access)
Jen Sloan Web Design : NYU / GTS : Graphic Design : NYU Abu Dhabi : Columbia J-School : Exhibitions : Jen Sloan Resume